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Play Battlestar Galactica Slot Game - Free Bonus & Spins

Most of the pokies are wonderful but we are going to attempt in this Battlestar Galactica Pokies Review, to show you that it is an exceptional sci-fi series and the battle, seems real, between robots and human kind is matchless. In this game, the dark aspects and sides of human are exposed and robots are displaying them what kind of the humanity should be. Both of them desires to survive on the Earth till the end but this distinction between human and robots ends gradually in the game. In other words, the distinction disappears slowly and steadily till the end.

Battlestar Galactica Slot Screenshots

Battlestar Galactica Pokies
Battlestar Galactica Pokies

Where to Play Battlestar Galactica Pokies for Real Money:

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The casting of this online pokie game was worth-mentioning and convincing. Here the actors are really doing great jobs and expressing their emotions in struggling ways. The story line of the game demands human to learn new feats for better performance and success. They must perform till the high standards. Battlestar Galactica Pokies provides eye widening suspense, palm sweating surprise and breath halting hangers in it. There is no end if you love playing it.

In some cases, the narrations of the game seem a bit peachy but in some places, the decisions are being made on the ship by the people that are childish and predictable. If you cannot make the right decision, it seems to end in the rush. This BSG sci-fi series demands a lot of winning spots to reach at the end. Everyone can play it and enjoy its following features as they love.

  • Accept your Mission: In the game, the primary task for everyone is to do combat and resource management. They come in four forms. You need to accept your mission. Cubits, is the game currency which you need to fight for. Secondly, titanium is the prime resource and you need to use it to repair and ship your equipments. Thirdly, tylium is the fuel which is required to lead your ships the way you want. In the end, water, is the high value option as it is a saleable resource for the ship. So, all the options are good and acceptable but you need to accept your mission before proceeding.
  • Fighting for Collecting Resource: When you are attempting to collect resources for further usage from asteroids and planets, your player has to fight for it whenever he comes across any other faction members in Battlestar Galactica. This game is really handsome and PvP covers its most of the part. Anyone will not find enough content about it but the visual effects and gather resources will build up a mansion for your fleet. So, collecting resources after fighting is the prime objective.
  • Upgrading of the ship: When attempting to collect resources, whatever will come in your way, will be used for upgrading your ships and you need to cover them as well. It is the most important part in the game not to end the resource of your ships to keep on working and making it work all the time. Such factors determine the success of the players. The upgrading takes three steps and you will need to start from the smallest to keep on doing this.

Battlestar Galactica is handsomely the best game to play. Why not play it right now!!!

Software Microgaming
Slot Types Video Slots
Reels 5
Paylines 243
Slot Game Features Wild Symbol, Scatters, Free Spins
Min. Bet 0.30
Max. Bet 15
Slot Themes Battle, Space, TV
Slot RTP 96.6%

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